Mei Darl Li dusters or dust busters are so named owing to the use of high-quality material, elaborate design and strict quality control. Moreover, they have unique static power and fiber never falls. Mei Darl Li Duster is beautiful and dignified, exquisite and practical, which be called Dust Buster, Mei Darl Li Duster.
Unlike those feather dusters made of chicken features, dusters made by Mei Darl Li Duster Co., Ltd. are made of high-class plastic material and recipe. According to Lin Hsi, company proprietor, dusters made of chicken feathers can breed bacteria and can be smelly. On top of that, feathers can fall off after a long period of use.
By contrast, "Mei Darl Li" are odoriess, and growth of bacteria is not possible as it is made from plastic. Their unique static feather can draw dust, no matter from the high places, ceiling fans and ceiling as well as a narrow place. For furniture, computer, automobile, they are the best cleaning tools. Besides picking up dust, "Mei Darl Li" duster can beautify enviroment, offices as a decoration. "They can be washed with soap and water after a ling period of use, and then dry them by hanging them on the clothesline and they are just as new as the new ones," said Lin.